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Friday, August 30, 2013

New Start in Prasetiya Mulya

Hey guys!
I'm officially a Prasmulyan now :D

What is Prasmulyan? 
It's a name for those who study in Prasetiya Mulya. 

      I'm now in the middle of Introductory Program (IP) but I must tell you that's so much fun!!!
No individual essay like other does, but we got some group and batch assignments instead. Oh yeah, we got 3 days and 2 night Outbound too in Kostrad Jati Luhur and the view was A-MA-ZING! 

     In IP we got groups and lodestar. I'm in group 18 that called The Alligator with kak Tasha as our lodestar. I've so much fun with them, we just gather for 5 days but it's like we already know each other for quite long. Why?? It's a power of KEPO!! Yet, no one get angry when others buka aib X)

If you want to know more about what we do in IP you can check The alligator's blog, just click here.

Sorry for the short post, will try to post some more in the future.
Ciao ;)

there are many words that being left unsaid,  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Random Thoughts

  Baru-baru ini gue nyadar, udah jarang banget orang yang nulis di blog. Pada pindah ke tumblr, twitter, atau ada yang berenti nulis sama sekali. Entah karena ada orang yang enak diajak curhat atau udah capek di kepoin dan pengen di pendam sendiri.
       Kalo dulu sih pada rajin karena masih jaman kali ya. Gue sendiri bukan tipe yang selalu cerita tentang kehidupan gue apalagi yang bersifat pribadi. Karena menurut gue ngga semuanya bisa diceritain ke orang. Tapi akhir-akhir ini orang yang biasa gue curhatin entah lagi ngambek sama gue atau udah capek sama gue. Ngga ngerti, orangnya ngga mau jawab.
So here I am, writing this post. 

      Sebenernya gue juga lagi nggatau mau ngapain lagi. Gue cuma pengen pikiran gue ngga berat kayak gini, pengen seneng, pengen main, pengen bebas, pengen waktu buat nulis, nyanyi, atau nari gajelas sendiri. Gue pengen itu semua tapi ngga dengan kondisi kayak gini yang lagi berantem sama orang. Dan gue itu bukan orang yang bisa cuek gitu aja, mainan ego gamau minta maaf duluan atau gimana. Kalo gue salah pasti gue minta maaf kok. Cuma kali ini gue bener-bener gatau salah gue dimana. Dan yang parahnya, gue itu ngga bisa main diem-dieman, apalagi kalo udah 3 hari. 
      Nggatau ya tapi ajaran-ajaran yang simple dan kadang orang belom tentu lakuin tapi masih keinget sama gue. Contohnya yang ngga boleh berantem lebih dari 3 hari. Nah ini udah hari ketiga, masih dicuekkin. I'm pretty sure I'd get a reply if I use the "BU" for excuse and Idk why I've a feeling it'd be the last time I'll ever use it. Gue juga gatau kenapa tuh orang baru bales kalo gue ngomong gitu.
      Gue bukan orang yang jago ngomong dan bisa milih kata-kata. Sering banget apa yang gue omongin dianggepnya beda. Gue jadi dibilang orang yang negatiflah, juteklah, apalah. Tapi terkadang gue bingung apa setiap omongan gue mesti gue jelasin atau gue cuekkin aja. Dan yang gue ngga abis pikir ya kalo ada yang salah paham bilang aja ke gue gitu.
       Entahlah, gue cuma mau tenang, gue pengen cepet-cepet ke kos. At least, gue bisa tenang sedikit dan ngga ada yang perlu nanya-nanya sampe gue nangis.

there are many words that being left unsaid,   

Friday, August 2, 2013



Today I wanna talk about racism and I will use bahasa cause I know my grammar skill is not so good and it easier to understand in bahasa.

      Apasih rasis itu? Gue males buka kamus atau cari google buat cari pengertiannya, yang pasti yang gue tangkep rasis itu semacam pengecapan ras/agama/suku bangsa dan lain-lain yg biasanya cenderung negatif. Dan di Indonesia ini mungkin salah satu negara yang penduduknya ngerasa di rasis-in antara satu suku dan lainnya.
Contohnya aja orang Cina (no offense, tapi gue ngerasa yg paling banyak ngerasa tuh suku ini)
    Gue ngga gitu ngerti asal mula nya kenapa mereka ngerasa di rasis-in, apa karena mereka “pendatang” ke tanah ini, atau karena mereka jago dagang, dan yang gue tau dulu sempet orang cina pernah diberantas (idk any good word for this.__.v). Yang pasti gue ngerasa mereka merasa di rasis in sama orang pribumi.
     Ada yang bilang di keluarganya ngajarin ke keturunannya : “mau kita bilang kita orang Indonesia juga ngga ada yang percaya karena kita bakal selalu dianggap non-pribumi.” Ada lagi suku batak yang biasanya juga ada yang ngga suka kalo udah dibilang batak batak.

Well, I don't know about all of those things. But I know one thing,
Ada siklus yang ngga sehat terjadi karena masalah rasis ini.

       Gue pribadi sih ngga gitu mikirin apa itu orang jawa, madura, padang, sulawesi, kalimantan, batak, cina, orang kaya, orang miskin, cakep, jelek, putih, item and whatever that is, as long they can respect me, I will respect them too.

       Mungkin ada yang bilang, ah lo ngga ngerasain aja gimana di rasis-in di panggil pake nama suku lo dan segala macem.

      Oke, mungkin gue ngga pernah di rasis-in parah kayak gitu ya, tapi gue dulu sering banget dibilang padang padang dan padang. Yang untuk sebagian orang mungkin ngecap orang padang itu pelit.
Gini deh, gue kalo lagi ada duit dan emang lagi ngga kepikiran buat make beli apa-apa, gue pasti loyal, apalagi sama temen. Tapi tetep aja ada yang sekalinya gue lagi hemat trus ngga mau jajanin langsung di bilang pelit, padang sih dan bla bla.

Like, Hello??
Jadi setiap orang yang pelit orang padang gitu? Kalo ada yang emang naturenya pelit orang padang gitu?

     Tapi gue sih cuek bebek aja, mereka ngecap gitu ngga ngerugiin gue kok, dan sampe sekarang gue selalu bangga buat jawab kalo gue orang padang. Semua suku ada kelebihannya kok dan nggausah ngerasa karena lo dari ras ini atau dari suku itu dan lo ngerasa wah pasti orang orang pada rasis sama gue.
    Gue malah ngerasa gara-gara ada yang nanemin pikiran gitu ke otaknya langsung naik darah atau sensi sekalinya nama ras/sukunya disebutin.
    Menurut gue harusnya lo bangga dengan ras/suku lo karena it's mean you're a part of something whether it's major or minority. Kalo lo bangga, orang-orang juga ngga bisa bilang apa-apa. Apalagi kalo lo bisa ngelakuin lebih dari ekspektasi atau pandangan orang ke lo.
    Dan jujur aja kadang gue sebel sama orang-orang yang gue CUMA NANYA suku/ras ini trus dibilang rasis. Oh come on, it's not like I'll avoid them or something. Gue cuma nanya, apa itu salah?

      Dari SD sampe sekarang gue punya temen dari beda suku/daerah/ras/agama dan segala macem. Dan gue tipe orang yang mau tau tentang itu semua. Jujur aja, gue bukan orang yang takut nanya tentang suku/ras/agama tertentu karena takut menyinggung.
      Gue pernah nanya ke orang kristen langsung, Tuhan mereka siapa, roh kudus itu apa, kok ada kristen ada protestan?
       Apakah itu salah? I just need an answer to my curiousity and where can I get the best answer if it's not from the person that belong in that community itself?
      Ngga mungkin kan gue nanya-nanya tentang kegiatan orang batak ke orang jawa ? Ngga mungkin kan gue nanya tata cara beribadah di Buddha ke orang Islam? Ada lagi yang ngga enaknya gara-gara takut dirasis-in sama orang di luar ras/suku nya mereka jadi bergaul sama yang se-rasnya dan ngeliat ras lain kayak gimana gitu? Can we just keep it simple and learn to be friendly to all people?

     Jadi please buat semua orang terutama orang Indonesia, ngga hanya yang gue pake buat contoh di atas but for everyone. Open up your mind, rasis itu terjadi karena lo meyakini kalo lo pasti di cap jelek kalo berada di suatu komunitas yang di sebutin sama orang lain.

We are Indonesian, we are one right?
Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu.
Keep that in mind.


there are many words that being left unsaid, 

Sunday, July 28, 2013



 Today I wanna discuss about superheroes.

                                The one who fight the villain to help human mankind.

       I don't really get it why many people adore those superheroes in movies. I'm not one of those biggest fan who collect merchandise of the superhero they love.

       Well, actually I never crazy about any of those I don't know, everything. I keep realistic because I know I can use my money for other thing like buy foods and fill my stomach.

But the truth is I'm not into superheroes because they're not real.
Got super power, cool suit, helping people and stuff.

        First thing first, can you think logically?
Got bitten by unknown species of tarantula/spider and they got super powers. Come on, real people would die instead. Alien from another planet want to save earth instead saving they home planet. If it the real alien, they will destroy the earth and eat human for their meal supplies.
       Well, maybe batman and ironman don't get super powers and they're making weapon on their own. But seriously, the real millionare would think twice to helping people in that way right? Maybe they'll give money to charity or something.

        Oh yeah and one thing for sure.
They got super powers or weapons to fight villain, and of course when they fight they'll not have their own ring to fight right? Don't you find it funny that they not kill any single innocent soul when they're fighting?

        Well, I know some of you will say that I don't have imagination or it just a movie.
But hey, some of you take the superheroes movie too seriously too.
Don't get me wrong, I still watching those superheroes movie but never got satisfied with it, too many talk and talk and talk. Make me yawn a little in the studio and change the channel if I watch it on tv.

       I prefer detective!
      Why ? They're real and use their own brain.Not super powers or weapon to look cool. (Well, some of them got gun, but you know what I mean)
      Even until now, I never know is there any detective that really have sharp brain like Sherlock, or Poirot or anything like in the movies, books, or comics. Boooo.

     But I get it how they do it, they got their strategies, they got deductions, they got evidences, they got enemies too, and of course they got risk and no super powers to keep them alive like those superheroes.
      How cool is that ? That is the real thing to deal, don't you think?

     Well, I'm writing this with no hate toward those superheroes.
     And if you say that I don't have imagination. Just fyi, I love death note, power puff girls, and comics. Take that sucker.

     Peace out.

there are many words that being left unsaid,   

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What do you call the moment when you graduate high school and got a loooooooooooooong holiday  but you didn't go anywhere and got nothing to do because your parents are so busy to prepare your need for university and your sister going to junior high and your very own wi-fi at home just give it damn quota from midnight until noon and your boyfriend is too busy with his university thingy and when he got the time to actually chat with you trough the phone and he prefer to watch movies by himself and actually say that he doesn't want to chat with you because he doesn't want to reply your short but many messages?

Yeah. Hell.

there are many words that being left unsaid, 

Friday, June 28, 2013

I'm a freak, I know.

I'm the kind of girl :
who ask the kerak telor seller to make it without the "kerak"
who ask penjual es podeng to just give me the es with susu kental manis/meses
yang cuma ngabisin es+sirup and leave the fruit behind in es buah
who only allowed the dishes yang pedes+asin, BIG NO to manis/asem
yang males hanging out in the mall for hours just sit and talk in starbucks/j.co, etc.
who until now males hang out with girls to do windowshopping for hours and just buy 1 or worst, nothing.
who will go straight to bookstore and reading komik berjam-jam until my mom ask me to leave.
who doesn't go with the trend and just wear yang nyaman aja buat gue. That's t-shirt and jeans, sometimes with boys jacket.
who prefer rambut gelombang urakkan than sraight hair like there's nothing I can do with it. Just. Straight.
who will toss all the chance to eksis that come to me, if it doesn't go with my way.
who can do everything, but master nothing.

Well. This is me.

there are many words that being left unsaid, 

Keri Smith Books!

Oh My God!
I'm craving for Keri Smith boooooooooooks! *drools
This is some of the my-wishlist-books-that-I-gotta-have
The Pocket Scavenger 
Finish This Book 
 Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy (Paperbag)
Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy , Now With Even More Ways To Wreck
This Is Not A Book 
Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy 

How to be an Explorer of the World
Mess: The Manual of Accidents and Mistakes 
Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy (Duct Tape)
Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy (Red)
The Guerilla Art Kit
The Non-Planner Datebook
Living Out LOUD
Tear Up This Book!
So, anyone can tell me where can I get this book in Jakarta/Depok ?
Especially for the Wreck This Journal edition, The Guerilla Art Kit, and Living Out LOUD?
It's much better if someone give one of these books as a gift. Teehee :P
I really am need to save my allowance to spend on these books. Eventhough, my parents doesn't give me any allowance on holiday. *sob*

there are many words that being left unsaid,  


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Imma back to holiday land! Woohoooooo!
Now, I'm  officially what do you call "pengangguran" because I already graduate high school but haven't attend university yet.

Lucky me, that I don't have to struggle with those study books for a moment. Unfortunately, I still can't calm yet because of this issue with my former school.
I already got 2 universities in my hand, with different majors.
1. Business in Prasetiya Mulya
2. Computer Science in University of Indonesia

If you ask me which one I choose, I'd definitely say that I will go with the business one.
But I think my school wouldn't let me, because I got the one in UI with ppkb. And of course if I reject it, it will cost a major trouble to my school.

I hope they'll let me though :(
It's like, it's not fair. This is my future and I can't decide it on my own? sob

there are many words that being left unsaid, 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Senior year!

  UN is coming to town in less than 2 weeks!
And many thing distract me from studying such as:
1. Trip to bali with SAPTADAKARA (my batch's name in SHS)
2. Test at Prasetiya Mulya (My last chance for business)
3. SNMPTN and PPKB results
4. School stuffs
And everything are related to money and my parents which make me FREAKIN OUT RIGHT NOW!!!

I want to cry like I used to everytime I got stressed out, but right now I can't.
I just want everything going slowly as it could. Better, everything going according to my plans.

In this moment of time, I'm so grateful that many people still encouraging me.
At least I know that they do care, not just two-faces-people who I think they're better just go rotten in hell.

But still, I can't make them to understand my situation completely.
My boyfie is so busy right now in the middle of midterm test and my friends as busy as myself thinking about college and stuffs.

I think I have to pray a lot just like Mr. Max say before. Maybe that's the reason I still feel uncomfortable and can't think clearly about this situation.

And I already decide what to do for next week.
Go to TA to play ice skating and then play pokemon in laptop.
Yeay, me !

there are many words that being left unsaid, 


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