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Friday, August 30, 2013

New Start in Prasetiya Mulya

Hey guys!
I'm officially a Prasmulyan now :D

What is Prasmulyan? 
It's a name for those who study in Prasetiya Mulya. 

      I'm now in the middle of Introductory Program (IP) but I must tell you that's so much fun!!!
No individual essay like other does, but we got some group and batch assignments instead. Oh yeah, we got 3 days and 2 night Outbound too in Kostrad Jati Luhur and the view was A-MA-ZING! 

     In IP we got groups and lodestar. I'm in group 18 that called The Alligator with kak Tasha as our lodestar. I've so much fun with them, we just gather for 5 days but it's like we already know each other for quite long. Why?? It's a power of KEPO!! Yet, no one get angry when others buka aib X)

If you want to know more about what we do in IP you can check The alligator's blog, just click here.

Sorry for the short post, will try to post some more in the future.
Ciao ;)

there are many words that being left unsaid,  



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