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Saturday, February 15, 2014


Jadi ceritanya lagi bosen di rumah.

Ngga ada kerjaan. Ngga ada yang ngechat. Ngga ada yang telpon. 
Ngga ada yang ngajak gue ke strawberry cafe(ngarep). 

Ngga ada apa-apa.
Emang sih gue pengennya hari ini santai-santai aja, ngga ngapa-ngapain. Cuma masalahnya KOK BORING BANGET YAH?!

Di saat-saat begini, cuma satu yang bisa gue pikirin.

Gue mesti rusuhin siapa.

       Akhirnya setelah gue pikir-pikir lagi, gue mau gangguin orang-orang ah di line, chat satu-satu, entah ngomong apa sampe di saat gue mikir emang ini hari apa sih? Kok beda dari kemaren-kemaren at least gue masih ada temen chatnya. Dan ternyata ENG ING ENG.

Yak kawan-kawan, ini hari sabtu.
Sekali lagi.

     which means ini hari dimana gue ngga boleh gangguin, ngerusuhin, dan ngapa-ngapain lainnya yang merupakan perbuatan yang agak annoying terhadap orang-orang tertentu karena hari ini orang-orang (sebagain besar) lagi pada ngedate sama pacar atau ngga keluarga.

       Karena gue anak yang baik, tidak sombong, dan tidak rajin menabung gue pun mengurungkan niat gue untuk menyapa (baca:ngerusuhin) mereka dan akhirnya gue nulis post ini.

gue serandom itu.

there are many words that being left unsaid, 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goodbye 2013! Hello 2014!

Before I said goodbye to 2013 and welcome 2014, 
(Well actualy this post had stayed in my drafts for a month, but, oh well...)

I will share my thoughts that I had throughout the year.

       This year has been the most-frustating-complicated-and-troublesome-yet-unforgettable-year that I have been through. (cheer sound)

 Because I graduated from Senior High with problems from the school parties and enter Uni.

         I'm not saying that I hate my SHS that much, in fact there are just too many unforgettable memories and I missed my friends and the dormitory situations so much, but there are just too much problem along the way that I didn't even knew,how can I went through that all ?. 
 But, now I already become a freshmen and enter the Uni that I want.

         I enjoyed the Uni's life, not wearing uniforms anymore, I can drive on my own, there are no one that's so KEPO and criticise others life too much and I live in indekost now. Which mean....

There are no curfews, and I'll not get scolded eventhough I went back at 3 a.m


     At my indekost there're no one else that stayed with me for hmm.....the first 2-3 months I think (that always make my friends gave me a really-you-are-living-alone-in-that-indekost-and-you-still-stayed-in-there-for-3-months-and-doesn't-move-to-other-indekost-where-are-you-fckn-brain-dude kinds of look ) 
But it doesn't mean that I feel really lonely, because I always hanging out with my friends or do something in SAC, OWL, and AIESEC Stuff until late at night. 

Speaking of friends,
I really happy to found out that I got friends that still have a kid side of them, so not all-the-time-serious-or-grown-up-thoughts which makes me feel kind of relieved because I don't know what will I do if there're no one who can deal with my hmm...dorkiness?

They are:
 ● The Alligators (we're still very close even though there are some who rarely hangout together with cellyn, yoko, hans, evans, and me)
●  Business 1-H
● AIESEC family
● And The Blind Salaries (well, it just for fun)

So that's all the things that I can share for now.


there are many words that being left unsaid,  


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